Thursday, December 9, 2010
where does the time go anymore here we are Dec again and if I reflect upon this past year with Do Lou and FD well at first I know I had hoped he would be OTJ by now and that has not happened when I first met D on the Diabetic board she felt he has a good chance of coming OTJ so I do think I got my expectations way way too high and maybe he will one day who knows I have since brought myself back down to earth and now realize I must get my son to do more shots so I can once again go somewhere overnight its been over a year now since the hubby and I went anywhere overnight and its just long overdue at one point I had thought to travel with Do Lou and maybe one day but for short trips I feel like with his blindness that staying home would be less stressful on him. Hope to go to the smoky mountains soon for a weekend to combine it with a kitten pickup. His ears are acting up put tresaderm in his ears today. He is on 3.5 right now he has went low to the 20s again recently do not like that. Guess thats all for now.
Monday, November 15, 2010
been very frustrating lately to say the least I know part of it was maybe the bad insulin but still his numbers have not been the best and we are up to 4U again feel like we are going backwards instead of forwards have not been posting as much on the FD board just been so depressed and busy with other things too. He is still doing better so I know I should not complain since his pu/pd is still OK and he eats good most days but my dream of him going OTJ has pretty much died. Now I just would like to see better numbers with a smaller dose.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Its been one year today since Do Lou was dx'd
well this time last year I was at the vets waiting to be seen to see if Do Lou was diabetic and then came the shock he was. 4 months of being on N would pass and I would see him decline in this time finally on March the 7th we start on lantus and he starting to feel better then in April I got him off dry which made a big change in his numbers I had hoped to have him OTJ by now but he is not who knows if he ever will be at least he is doing so much better and I know thats what I need to concentrate on
Monday, October 18, 2010
plugging along
well we are currently on 3U as of today up from a s3U numbers are good some days and on others he seems to have high yellows still keep hoping we will one day just start to have straight blues but that day has not arrived yet he has been eating good for he most part today he did the cutest thing I was cleaning our bedroom and he had gone out into the rest of the house and next thing I know he is beating at the door to get back in to his room and he came in dragging a candy corn bag leaving a trail of candy corn behind him it was just the cutest thing and he dropped the bag when he came in like he had found something really cool this bag was up on the microwave so he had to have jumped up on the counter and then drag it over the puppy gate LOL and all this with a cat that 90% blind he is such a character, we had gone down to 2.5 recently then his numbers required we go back up to 3U slowly
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
a month later
well here we are a little over a month back on lantus and he has been doing so well we have hit blues and greens just recently and his bouncing has not been near as bad and he has been clearing the bounces quiker he is up to 3U now as of 9/27 his SS says it all. He is still eating Merricks really well loves cowboy cookout and surf and turf both 4% in carbs he likes most of the 8% flavors as well such as ocean breeze and Grammy's pot pie I still hold on the the OTJ dream but even if he does not go off insulin he certainly is doing so much better seems to be feeling good weight is 15.6 as of last week.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
back to lantus 8/25/10
well he has been very sick since 8/23 with some kind of stomach thing wondering if the nuggets were bad I had just opened a bag of beef/salmon and I had noticed they looked a diff color but smell of OK he had eaten 2 of these prior to getting sick no diarrhea so far. Feeling like Do Lou today got me up in the night again YEAH Mama Bean doing a happy dance over that!!!!! went back to lantus starting with .5U with last nights pm dose started really low since he has been eating so little I am sure a increase will arrive soon with starting so low.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
SS link
Do Lou's SS
We finally have had our breakthrough today hoping he does not bounce too bad since he is such a bouncy boy
A very great vision is needed and the man who has it must follow it as the eagle seeks the deepest blue of the sky. Crazy Horse
We finally have had our breakthrough today hoping he does not bounce too bad since he is such a bouncy boy
Sunday, August 15, 2010
well guess I somehow thought Lev would be like the miracle insulin and he would just all the sudden have great numbers instead his numbers have been much worse overall and not getting better even with each dosecrease so I am really getting sooooo frustrated over what to do
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Maybe making headway
well we have seen some better numbers mixed with some bouncing we are now up to a F3.5 3doses so far and he is dropping a lot today so shedd maybe is getting too full have to wait and see since to me its so pointless for him to go low and then bounce for 3 days
Saturday, July 17, 2010
well we did have a few nice blues the other day but had gone 6 cycles on f2.75 and so I thought it was time to go ahead with 3U so far he has been on the high side today hoping to see his numbers turn around soon I hate to keep climbing back up the dose ladder:(
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Dental day 7-13-10
Well its been a while since I posted guess since his numbers have been up and down he had a few nice ones last week and then he bounced and we have yet to get back into better numbers as of yet. Today he went to see Dr. Joe had his teeth cleaned and complete chemistry which was normal except BG and chol we also ran a CBC and T4 and HCT all being normal. He came home hungry and is doing ok tonight being very needy more so then normal, have gone back to using freestyle lite on a daily basis after seeing how much I was going to be spending on alphatrak strips but I have been using it as comparison if I have doubts but overall its numbers are not much different then my freestyle
Monday, June 21, 2010
going nowhere it seems
well I have not posted in a while not much to say we are just stuck in the 200's we raised the dose from 2U to f2U without any changes I have ordered the alphatrak meter to use for him some since its coded for cats and I want to see if this makes any diff since yesterday when I tested voodoo he was only 31 on my freestyle and I was kinda shocked by this makes me wonder still about meter accuracy. He went up to 2.25 this morning but still sits in back of mind are we stuck in chronic RB??
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
June 8
Increased his insulin to 2U last night but his numbers are still all over he did dip to 180 last night but D is still trying to figure out why his curves are all over will see what he does this evening its just so frustrating.
Monday, June 7, 2010
June 7
Well I had planned to go up to 2U this morning and then his amps was 152 so stayed at f1.75 got all hopeful hoping for a nice cycle but his numbers have not been good once again today again frustration sets in he is feeling good though eating well still not drinking or peeing too much so I know these are good signs still
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
June 1
I am so frustrated right now I numbers just keep staying in the high 200's to low 300's I am wondering if either we are A in RB where you have too much insulin which can make this pattern develop or B not enough and of course the only way to find out is to change things around and see what happens and if his pattern does not break by tomorrow I intend to try something not sure what yet I even shot last night at +11.5 in hopes of it doing something and numbers only went up so I am wondering if he is actually getting too much ???
Sunday, May 30, 2010
May 30
went with a dosecrease today and our numbers have gone up so hoping he has a empty shed or something IDK but he is getting high 300s some again and I sure do not want to see that he is on 1.5U today
no changes otherwise
no changes otherwise
Saturday, May 29, 2010
5/29 frustrated over 346
Friday, May 28, 2010
May 28, 2010
well I am still in the 200's today Mom is wondering if this is a bounce or not D thinks it could be from my low amps the other day of 111 guess time will tell? At least yellow is better then pink but would prefer if we can get back to blues if not greens just not too low greens. Dose is 1.25 as of now. Eating well and drinking very little and only peeing about once a day
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Do Lou month 6

well have to admit I have been getting frustrated lately with his numbers he has been off dry now for getting close to a month we have gone down in insulin dose from 5.75 to as low as 1U and seems like all we do is RB
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