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Do Lou figter pilot

Do Lou figter pilot
Picture by Daniel Kaelin


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Sunday, August 15, 2010


well guess I somehow thought Lev would be like the miracle insulin and he would just all the sudden have great numbers instead his numbers have been much worse overall and not getting better even with each dosecrease so I am really getting sooooo frustrated over what to do

1 comment:

  1. I so understand how you're feeling only Do Lou is doing a lot better with the Lev Alex is. Alex has maybe seen 4 cycles without red since he started Lev and that is pretty bad since he started on May 15th!!!! :( . He's going to green more than he was on Lantus but big deal if he bounces up to red every darn cycle. And his Nadir appears to be at +6 and then he starts to going up at +7 or +8 so he can be back at HI in time for the next PS. Granted, he's on a bunch of meds, but i don't think they're interfering. Maybe it's a body chemistry thing.... Maybe some kitties like Alex and Do just do better on Lantus? I think that when I finish this pen I'm going to go back to Lantus just for a look see. It can't be any worse...right?
