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Do Lou figter pilot

Do Lou figter pilot
Picture by Daniel Kaelin


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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

back to lantus 8/25/10

well he has been very sick since 8/23 with some kind of stomach thing wondering if the nuggets were bad I had just opened a bag of beef/salmon and I had noticed they looked a diff color but smell of OK he had eaten 2 of these prior to getting sick no diarrhea so far. Feeling like Do Lou today got me up in the night again YEAH Mama Bean doing a happy dance over that!!!!! went back to lantus starting with .5U with last nights pm dose started really low since he has been eating so little I am sure a increase will arrive soon with starting so low.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

SS link

Do Lou's SS

We finally have had our breakthrough  today hoping he does not bounce too bad since he is such a bouncy boy

A very great vision is needed and the man
who has it must follow it as the eagle seeks
the deepest blue of the sky.
Crazy Horse

Sunday, August 15, 2010


well guess I somehow thought Lev would be like the miracle insulin and he would just all the sudden have great numbers instead his numbers have been much worse overall and not getting better even with each dosecrease so I am really getting sooooo frustrated over what to do

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


We started levemir  tonight 3U hope to see him improvement in numbers

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Maybe making headway

well we have seen some better numbers mixed with some bouncing we are now up to a F3.5 3doses so far and he is dropping a lot today so shedd maybe is getting too full have to wait and see since to me its so pointless for him to go low and then bounce for 3 days